January 26, 2009

My Color Mood: Warm Browns and Deep Yellows

1. Cardigan from Eley Kishimoto 2. Storage jar from H is for Home 3. Macaroons from Ladurée Paris 4. Soft Hippo from Pomme


  1. Mmm #3 looks tasty, but those look like macarons to me and not macaroons. And yes I am nitpicky ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am loving this colour combination too! I just made a cozy for my coffee press in this yellow and brown.
    that hippo is so cute!

  4. I am loving this colour combination too! I just made a cozy for my coffee press in this yellow and brown.
    that hippo is so cute!

  5. don't know why it posted twice, sorry.

    jennifer, fyi
    Both spellings are correct. It is spelled Macarons in the link and Macaroons on the sight.
    just thought i would let you know.

  6. Haha thanks for backing me up Callie. Don't worry though, that's just my older sis trying to correct me as usual ;)

  7. funny! big sisters are like that:) i am one... i do that to my little sis all the time. drives her crazy and I do it just to drive her crazy

  8. Well thanks for letting me know that Callie. And Lizzy I see nothing wrong in making sure facts are correct ;)


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