January 28, 2009

Cycle Away!

I really want a bike. I donated my old bike a few years back because it wasn't getting much use. But with the weather so pretty again I wouldn't mind having a new one. One with character and a really great basket in front! I can see me now, cycling downtown, the warm sun on my skin, the wind flowing through my hair. Ah, what a lovely image.

1. Simple City Bike from Gary Fisher 2. Rattan Basket from Bike Parts 3. Scrap Deluxe Bike from the Dutch Company 4. Stockholm Carrie Bicycle Basket from Huset


  1. yes it is, since i just got back inside from my morning walk.... there is fresh snow on the ground.
    I really like both baskets! the ratan one if very cool with the handle, looks like you can go to the farmers market and fill up and place on your bike!!

  2. Oh yes I know what you mean. That green basket is perfect and so stylish!

  3. lucky you that you can ride a bike, I tried in college...I ran over a girl, like, tire marks on her face, it was bad.


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