January 22, 2009

Attractively Labeled Tea

I don't drink tea, I'm more of a coffee gal, but if I did it would be Dr. Stuart's extraordinarily good teas. I am such a sucker for these lovely labels.


  1. they remind me a bit of a Monty Python movie!
    very cool labels

    oooo, almost forgot LOVING you new heading!! fantastic font on the Rocket out!!! LOVE IT!!

    I need to create a heading for mine, been a bit crazy busy in my life maybe this weekend

    have a great day Lizzy!!

  2. Lizzy,
    I just went to the Brookfield zoo and did my little wax souviner!!! i love the smell of the wax!!! I will have to photograph and post, it's so cute!
    You have to go get one.

  3. Cute. I am a tea drinker and I've never heard of these. Thanks for the reccomendation.

  4. I'm a tea girl. Those are really fun and unique! I just clipped one of my cool tea boxes and added it to my inspiration board. It has this really cool lotus on it.

  5. These are so much fun! I love all the white space :)


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